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Dwipada Pitham

Two-Legged Table
Dwi = two
Pada = feet
Pitham = stool, seat, chair, bench



Except for the arm position, the muscular, spinal, and joint actions of this pose are virtually identical to those of setu bandhasana. The main difference between setu bandhasana and dwi pada pitham is that dwi pada pitham is a vinyasa, a dynamic movement that is coordinated with the inhalation and exhalation.

This simple yet versatile practice can be used in a variety of ways to release tension from the spine and breathing structures, as well as to help balance the leg and hip actions that support similar poses, such as setu bandhasana and urdhva dhanurasana.

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Images from the book Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff & Amy Matthews displayed on this website are used under license.

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