Which course should I take first?

First... let's be sure you're in the right place. MOST of our students are either yoga teachers, movement professionals, or yoga students who are very interested in deepening their practice. If this is you, the advice on this page applies to you.
If you are brand new to yoga, and trying to get into a brand new practice, your best bet is to sign up for our free newsletter, as our courses are not the best fit. They're designed to be continuing-education for industry professionals, and they're the best in their class.
We offer 3 courses for individuals, plus a plug-in for teacher-training programs:
PRINCIPLES is Leslie's flagship course that he's been honing for decades. It's a combination of lecture, discussion, practice, and homework, all delivered with Leslie's impossible-to-miss sense of humor.
PRACTICES was born out of the idea that after students finished Principles, they still wanted more, and they wanted to explore it all in their bodies. Leslie took it as a challenge to create Practices so it could be taken as a standalone course, whether or not someone had studied with him before. Emphasis on your personal practice.
FUNDAMENTALS is the independent study version of our highly accaimed Teacher Training plug-in course (the only anatomy module pre-approved by the Yoga Alliance.)
A note from Kelsey Kaufman, YogaAnatomy.net Director:

"Which course is right for me? Which one should I take first?"
I get asked this question almost more than anything else, and I'm going to do my best to make this very simple for you.
Personal advice from Kelsey:
Let me be honest... I cringe at the thought of being an online voice of a company saying, "Just buy the most expensive one!"... so for a long time, I didn't tell people what I really thought, which is that they should start with Principles. After doing this for 11 years, I'm just going to come out and say it...
If your budget allows for you to enroll in YogaAnatomy.net Principles, go ahead and start there.
Most students who start with Fundamentals or Practices end up signing up for Principles later anyways.
It simply feels safer to invest in a less expensive course first. I really get this. Knowing that's the intention, I would encourage you to lean into our 90-day full refund policy instead, and just start with Principles.
I've gone through all these courses myself, and I've watched students work with the material online for 11 years. I believe that the way the concepts are outlined, in addition to the interactivity and hands-on support, makes it the best place to start if your budget allows for it.
- Principles is the most interactive course, so you'll get the most hands-on time with Leslie, live interaction with colleagues, and with our homework coach. This will allow you to make the fastest progress and make it personal.
- Principles enrollment INCLUDES YogaAnatomy.net Fundamentals (so it's like a 2-for-1.)
- The blend of theory, practice, images, stories, physical explorations, science, and yoga philosophy makes this a very embodied, wholistic experience.
All that said... we have options at various price-points for a reason. I have NEVER had anyone take either Fundamentals or Practices first and be upset by their experience. In fact, everyone is always sure that the way they did it was perfect for them.
That's my best attempt at, "here's my advice, but whatever you pick will be perfect." 😀
Looking forward to having you around, wherever you decide to begin!
All My Best,
P.S. Questions about your personal situation? Email me and we'll figure it out together: [email protected]
Side-by-Side for you visual learners:
YogaAnatomy.net Practices
$997 COVID Recovery Scholarship (reg $1,997)
Focus on Personal Practice
LEARN MOREOr, if you're running a teacher training...
"I wasn't prepared for how much I'd love the anatomy. This is so different than how I've ever studied it before!"
- Recent YTT student
"When I wanted to upgrade the anatomy portion of our trainings, I turned to Leslie and Amy. My students love this training. It is the best course of its kind available to teacher trainers today."
Gary Kraftsow, Founder, American Viniyoga Institute